Summer will be here before we know it and we are excited to announce our extended summer programming for 2025! This summer, Camp Rainbow will run 11 weeks beginning June 2-August 15. For children who have completed our Twos program to students six years of age, each week will feature a unique theme with associated crafts, snacks, and activities. You can pick and choose weeks or sign up for the entire summer! These camps are a wonderful opportunity for students to spend extended time in our beautiful nature center. Each camp is $175 weekly and will run from 9-12 Monday-Friday. Except for our 2s program, all children must be fully potty trained to participate (please reach out for medical/developmental reasons). Registration is on a first serve basis, with registration opening February 3, 2025, for current families and to FUMC members. Community spots will open on March 3, 2025, if space allows. Registration will close May 1, 2025, or when spots are full. We cannot guarantee drop in spots after registration closes.
______Week 1: Welcome Week (June2-June 6): Hello Summer! The first week of camp can cause nervous feelings. This camp has been designed with games and activities to break the ice and make the first week a breeze! Week is FULL for all morning and all day care.
______Week 2: Creative Explorers (June 9-13): This science focused camp will keep children guessing. Along with a new experiment each day, campers will learn science related concepts like “predictions” and “conclusions”. Limited morning only spots available. All day is full.
______Week 3: Mad Science (June 16-20): We will build on what we have already learned in Week 2 and expand our learning. Campers will learn more science concepts and how to apply them through experiments and real life experiences. Camp Rainbow will be closed on June 19th for the holiday/church closed.
______Week 4: Just Beet It! (June 23-26): This camp will go beyond eating your fruits and vegetables. We’ll discuss and discover ways to have a healthy body and mind through learning about healthy meal choices, fun ways to move our bodies, and the importance of quiet and rest. Limited morning spots available. All day is full.
______Week 5: Learning Through Play (June 30-July 3): The focus for this week’s camp is how children learn. Campers will discover that through play, learning is happening in a variety of ways. Teachers will refer to skills and behaviors that children engage to through play. Camp Rainbow will be closed on July 4th for the holiday. Limited morning spots available. All day is full.
_____Week 6: Easy as 1,2,3 (July 7-11): Counting, shapes, graphs, and more! All the basic math concepts will be explored at this week of camp. Math can be fun!
______Week 7: Mindfulness Moments (July 14-18): This week will be an introduction to practicing presence. Campers will explore ways to self-regulate and tap into their feelings. From yoga to observing the world around us, this camp is designed to sloooow us down and practice being calm and present.
_______Week 8: Feelings and Emotions (July 21-25): This week’s camp focus will be feelings and emotions. We’ll learn about how feelings and emotions can make ourselves feel as well as others. We’ll learn ways to respond/react in ways that are appropriate and safe for ourselves and others. Camp is full.
_______Week 9: Creative Campers (July 28-August 1): An exploration into different artistic mediums will be offered throughout the week. Each day we will learn about a new artist and replicate some of their most famous works. Limited spots
_______Week 10: Storytellers (August 4-8): Favorite children’s authors will be recognized during this week of literacy. Art projects will coincide with the author of the day, and we’ll have a special guest from one of our local libraries. Limited morning spots-all day is full.
_______Week 11: “Sea” You Later! (August 11-15): Campers will “wave” goodbye to summer at our last week of camp. Limited spots
_______Full Day Childcare: Full day students will be automatically enrolled in Camp Rainbow in the morning and keep their regular schedules in the afternoon. 9a-4pm $1,000/month for June and July with August at $500 for the month. Full day ends at 4 pm for the summer.
Child’s Name:
Child’s Date of Birth:
Caretakers names:
*****Camps subject to cancellation should minimum enrollment not be met. Refunds for said weeks will be given at time of cancellation.*****
Please return registration form to Mrs. Ruigh at 7020 Cass Street, Omaha 68132 or email it to